Monday, March 17, 2014

What a goober

I asked my brother to write to me like he was writing in his journaling or to write a  list. This is what came back:

Yo yo word

Things to update you on my life:
1. I can't pretend that this is my journal, I'm bad at keeping a journal as it is.
2. Things are really really great here in Thailand
3. We are moving apartments in this city, which will be alot of fun.
4. I'm super glad Porter and Jake are still working at the TW. I miss them a ton!
5. I'm super excited for those Thai girls to come to the house, so you and Dad and Mom can practice your Thai and speak with me when I get back:)
6. I'm running out of things to type.
7. Mothers here keep trying to convince me to marry their daughters. It happens on a daily basis. Guess my firey hair gets all the ladies....or their moms...
8. I'm out

Elder Tanner

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