Wednesday, March 12, 2014

mi cabeza te duele

I've been finding really sick music lately and I wanna burn CDs to spread the love of music. 

Who wants one? 

P.S. I've got and SOS: how do you ask a really attractive person with amazing taste in music to burn you a CD?!


  1. I want a CD with my whole soul
    here's what I would do "hey man burn me a CD then marry me"

  2. I WANT ONE SO BADLY. Or if Ariel's idea doesn't work just say "scratch that, you have fantastic taste in music, do you think you could burn me a CD?" smooth, simple, and totally normal.

  3. Pick me pick me!

    And if neither of their ideas work say "You're attractive, I'm attractive. Let's swap music."

    Also..Hayley I stalk your blog. Surpriseeeeee...Hope that's okay.
