Fact #251: spelling cool with a K is way kooler.
Fact #368: I'm actually a really weird person, especially whenever I'm with my dad. He probably knows me better than anyone.
Fact #925: my dad watches little kid shows late at night to help him fall asleep quicker.
Fact #88: I secretly want to keep this sweatshirt cause it smells too good to be true. But that's creepy.
Fact #505: I'm a major slacker in school, I just bs most of my essays and teachers don't catch it...
Fact #506: you're respect level for me just dropped a bunch just barely didn't it.
Fact #476: the reason for being exhausted at the end of the day is because you've gone through 6 hours of brainwashing and tried to interact with other humans.
Fact #23: missionary letters are so bittersweet its hard to function right.
Fact #whoknows: I'm probably writing this as an excuse to do another list...yeah k kool.
fact #32097 Ariel is quite fond of you