Friday, February 21, 2014

Because I just want to drive you all mad with's what pulls at my heart strings

^Watching Austinland with friends

^Late night runs to Wendy's and laughing until it hurts too much 

^You and I- Ingrid Michelason. That one tugs at my heart strings 

^Sugar cookies from the slurp

^People saying how much they care

^The way my dad snaps his fingers whenever he walks up the stairs 

^Snuggling with Jeff the giraffe 

^When my grandma asks me if I have a husband yet

^The rush from a paintbrush sweeping on canvas

^How my parents understand perfectly when I just need a day off 

^Your blue eyes 

^When people laugh at something stupid I said 

^The way your hair smells after a haircut ---> BANGS

^How you can feel yourself slipping into unconsciousness on your soft pillow

^My math tutor. What a guy

^When a song comes on the radio and every fiber in you body wants to turn it up and belt it

^When I get the image of something I want to paint and can see it perfectly

^Getting a back scratch

^That look in people's eyes when they talk about their passions 

^When courage comes and I can spit out what's been torturing my mind


Stay classy. 

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